Studio Hire Terms & Conditions

The following conditions apply to all people and groups who hire the studio at 169 Ryrie Street on a casual or ongoing basis.

  1. You must not sublet to any other person while using the venue under this Studio Hire Arrangement. 

  2. You must not act as ‘Ballroom Baby Geelong’ while using the studio.

  3. Only the person or group named on the hire form may use the venue under this Studio Hire Service. 

  4. You will be liable for any damage caused to the studio or equipment. The studio is under constant video surveillance. Bonds are calculated on a case by case basis, based on the type and frequency of the event. Any damage will be deducted from the bond.

  5. Payment and bond must be received in full prior to the use of the studio (except for ongoing hire which will be invoiced at the end of each month and due within two weeks of receipt).

  6. If you are the last to leave the venue, the lights must be turned off, heating & cooling off, and the door locked. 

  7. Upon the conclusion of your hire, the studio must be in the condition it was found.

  8. Upon return of the key at the conclusion of your use of the venue, you will receive the bond in full, provided there is no damage to the studio. 

  9. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure they are compliant with any liquor licensing regulations, food handling regulations or any other regulations.

  10. Ongoing hirers running a commercial operation (ie dance classes, public events etc) must hold current public liability insurance.

  11. There must be a maximum of 25 persons in the studio at any one time.

  12. Please keep music to a minimum between 9pm and 9am all days (and after 7pm on Sundays).

  13. For ongoing hires, prior to the first of each month, you must confirm if your standard hours will change that month. If this information is not provided by the 1st of the month, all standard hours will be charged.

  14. Breach of any of these rules will result in termination of your hire entitlement and potential loss of any fees paid.